Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Pantheon Season 12 in League of Legends.

Pantheon’s Ability
- PASSIVE – MORTAL WILL: Every few spells or attacks, Pantheon’s next spell is empowered.
- Q – COMET SPEAR: Pantheon either thrusts his spear or throws his spear in the chosen direction.
- W – SHIELD VAULT: Pantheon dashes to a target, damaging and stunning them.
- E – AEGIS ASSAULT: Pantheon sets his shield, becoming invulnerable to damage from the front and striking repeatedly with his spear.
- R – GRAND STARFALL: Pantheon composes himself and then leaps into the air, landing at a chosen location as a comet.
Pantheon’s Pros and cons
Pros | Cons |
+ Targetable Stun + High Map Pressure + Good 1v1 potential + Lane Bully at early stage + Few Real Counters + Long Range Execute + After hitting normally or using skills consecutively 5 times, Pantheon’s next ability will be enhanced. + A rushing attack is a technique that both inflicts anti-immunity from a shield. + The ultimate Sun Collapse easily supports, ganks away at a distance. + In terms of generals, Pantheon pushes the road fast. + Skilled ability to resist effects in the direction indicated. + Can go to the offensive or defensive things to promote strength. | – Kiteable – Weak at 5v5 Fight – Weak if behind – Mana Hungry at early stage – May struggle against Tanks – Must Win the lane – Short range, easy to fly kite structure. – Strong in the early game, later strength will decrease. – No retreat skills, if caught under control will easily evaporate immediately. – The sky could see the flight path, easily escaping with mobility or speed. |
Starting builds Pantheon Seanson 12
Pantheon’s Summoner Spells
Top: Using Flash and Teleport.
Mid: Using Flash and Ignite
Jungle: Using Flash and Smite
Pantheon’s Rune



Patheon’s Items
- Starting Items
- Core Items
- Full Items
Pantheon Order Ability
Skill order: Q > E > W

Combo Skill Pantheon
- 3 stack passive : W>auto> Emp Q.
- 4 stack passive : W>Emp Q>auto.
- 5 stack passive : Emp W> E > auto > Emp Q.
Watching video combo skill Patheon
Video Guide Pantheon
Jungle Route;
- Red buff
- Krugs
- Raptors
- Gank or do Blue buff
- Wolves
- Scuttle
Pantheon Counter