Tryndamere Build Guides S12 : Runes, Items and Combo


Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Tryndamere Season 12 in League of Legends.

Tryndamere is an Fighter who has easy 1v1 abilities such as healing, passive criticals, slows, damage reduction, and a 5 second immunity to death

Tryndamere’s Ability

  • PASSIVE – BATTLE FURY: Tryndamere gains Fury for each attack, critical strike, and killing blow he makes. Fury passively increases his Critical Strike Chance and can be consumed with his Bloodlust spell.
  • Q – BLOODLUST: Tryndamere thrives on the thrills of combat, increasing his Attack Damage as he is more and more wounded. He can cast Bloodlust to consume his Fury and heal himself.
  • W – MOCKING SHOUT: Tryndamere lets out an insulting cry, decreasing surrounding champions’ Attack Damage. Enemies with their backs turned to Tryndamere also have their Movement Speed reduced.
  • E – SPINNING SLASH: Tryndamere slices toward a target unit, dealing damage to enemies in his path.
  • R – UNDYING RAGE: Tryndamere’s lust for battle becomes so strong that he is unable to die, no matter how wounded he becomes.

Tryndamere’s Pros and cons

+ Built in sustain
+ Early game crits
+ OP ulti
+ Amazing scaling
+ Super push late game
+ Snowballs hard
+ Lots of DMG
+ High Mobility

– Little mr and armor
– Countered by CC
– Burst susceptible
– Ulti reliable
– Countered by poke

Tryndamere’s Summoner Spells

Jungle: Flash + Teleport

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Teleport: To tele back to lane quickly and in late game allows you to take objectives quicker.
  • Ghost: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Teleport: Gives a huge movement speed burst.

Tryndamere’s Runes



Tryndamere’s Items

Starting Items


Core Items

Full Items

Tryndamere’s Ability order

Skill order: Q -> E -> W


Tryndamere’s Combo

  • E > W > FLASH > AA > AA > AA > AA

Basic trick on Trynda Spinning Slash + Flash.

Classic Flash trick where you E in the direction you want and then Flash right after the ability cast time.

Video combo:

Threats and Synergies




Attacks against turrets will not grant bonus Fury, but will still reset the timer on Fury decay.

Undying Rage can be used when affected by crowd control.

I hope you enjoy reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writing it. And Sorry if you not understand because i not good Engish.

Thank You for Reading – Create by: In Viet Nam