Quinn Build Guides S12 : Runes, Items and Combo


Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Quinn Season 12 in League of  Legends.

Quinn has a strong Early Game, Mid Game, and Late Game. Quinn can also play ANY role your team needs: the role of an AD Carry, Assassin DPS, split pusher, etc.

Quinn’s Ability

Justice takes wing”

  • PASSIVE – HARRIER: Valor, Quinn’s Demacian eagle, periodically marks enemies as Vulnerable. Quinn’s first basic attack against Vulnerable targets will deal bonus physical damage.
  • Q – BLINDING ASSAULT: Quinn calls Valor to mark an enemy and hinder its vision before damaging all enemies in the immediate area.
  • W – HEIGHTENED SENSES: Passively grants Quinn Attack Speed and Movement Speed after she attacks a Vulnerable target. Activate to have Valor reveal a large area nearby.
  • E – VAULT: Quinn dashes to an enemy, dealing physical damage and slowing the target’s Movement Speed. Upon reaching the target, she leaps off the target, briefly interrupting it, and lands near her maximum Attack Range away from the target.
  • R – BEHIND ENEMY LINES: Quinn and Valor team up to fly around at great speed. Ending the ability casts Skystrike, which deals damage to nearby enemies and marks champions as Vulnerable.

Quinn’s Pros and cons


  • Can be dominant/oppressive in lane.
  • Good burst and dueling potential.
  • Insane mobility and map pressure.


  • Squishy.
  • Low attack range.
  • Vulnerable to CC.
  • Poor team-fighting.

Quinn’s Summoner Spells

Depending on your role in the match, you choose the appropriate summoner spell for Quinn. Here is a hint on how to choose summoner spells for Quinn season 12.



Quinn can also run ignite every game to win lane easier, which gives you an edge since most enemies need to run Teleport.

Quinn’s Rune



Quinn’s Items

  • Starting Items
  • Core Items
  • Boots
  • Full Items

Quinn’s Ability order


Combo Quinn

R > E > Q > W > AA

Quinn Video Guide

Theo “QuinnAD”

Theo “QuinnAD”

Threats and Synergies




You can play Quinn with Glacial Augment freeze playstyle to kite bruisers,

Phase Rush to counter champions with slows.

Fleet Footwork against poke matchups, Hail of Blades or Electrocute against squishy champions.