Tristana Build Guides S12 : Runes, Items and Combo


Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Tristana Season 12 in League of Legends.

Tristana is an Marksman who great lategame damage because of attack speed and range.

Tristana’s Ability

  • PASSIVE – DRAW A BEAD: Increases Tristana’s Attack Range as she levels.
  • Q – RAPID FIRE: Tristana fires her weapon rapidly, increasing her Attack Speed for a short time.
  • W – ROCKET JUMP: Tristana fires at the ground to propel her to a distant location, dealing damage and slowing surrounding units for a brief period where she lands.
  • E – EXPLOSIVE CHARGE: When Tristana kills a unit, her cannonballs burst into shrapnel, dealing damage to surrounding enemies. Can be activated to place a bomb on a target enemy that explodes after a short duration dealing damage to surrounding units.
  • R – BUSTER SHOT: Tristana loads a massive cannonball into her weapon and fires it at an enemy unit. This deals Magic Damage and knocks the target back. If the target is carrying the Explosive Charge bomb, the bomb detonation radius is doubled.

Tristana’s Pros and cons

+ Good early game damage because of burst.
+ Marksmen if you got your fullbuild early.
+ Got an escaperoute with the use of the w-ability.
+ Easy to farm because of Explosive Charge
+ Great lategame damage because of attack speed and range.
– Very squishy.
– May be fatal if ultimate is used poorly.

Tristana’s Summoner Spells

Flash + Heal

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Heal: adds health.

Tristana’s Runes



Tristana’s Items

Starting Items


Core Items

Full Items

Tristana’s Ability order

Skill order: E > Q > W


Tristana’s Combo

  • E > W > Q > AA > R

Video combo:

Threats and Synergies




Early game: you’re gonna farm safe hitting.

Tristana to dash out the most DPS, by hitting enemies 3 times in a row, they will take increase in adaptive damage

Trisstana’s ultimate prevents people from chasing her down, or a little extra burst damage to grab a kill.

Thank You for Reading – Create by: In Viet Nam