Yasuo Build Guides S12: Runes, Items and Combo Mid & Top


Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Yasuo Season 12 in League of Legends.

Yasuo is Fighter who can be played Mid, Adc, and Top, can kill multiple people in a teamfight once he has his core items.

Yasuo’s Ability

  • Passive – WAY OF THE WANDERER: Yasuo’s Critical Strike Chance is increased. Additionally, Yasuo builds toward a shield whenever he is moving. The shield triggers when he takes damage from a champion or monster.
  • Q – STEEL TEMPEST: Thrusts forward, damaging all enemies in a line. On hit, grants a stack of Gathering Storm for a few seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne. Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack and scales with all the same things.
  • W – WIND WALL: Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds.
  • E – SWEEPING BLADE: Dashes through target enemy, dealing magic damage. Each cast increases your next dash’s base Damage, up to a max amount. Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for a few seconds. If Steel Tempest is cast while dashing, it will strike as a circle.
  • R – LAST BREATH: Blinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm. For a moderate time afterwards, Yasuo’s critical strikes gain significant Bonus Armor Penetration.

Yasuo’s Pros and cons

+ Huge team fight potential
+ Combo synergy with champions that have a knock up ability
+ Can melt through squishies and tanks due to his armor pen ultimate and having constant damage.
+ Next to no cooldowns on main abilities and uses Flow instead of Mana.
– Has the worst base stats
– Very weak early and susceptible to enemy junglers.
– Crowd control will make him an easy target without mobility.
– Weak against hard cc due to low base stats.
– Weak when not near minions.

Yasuo’s Summoner Spells

Mid/Adc: Flash + Ignite

Top: Flash + Teleport

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Ignite: It’ll add even more kill potential to him pre-6 and post-6.
  • Teleport is still by far the most used summoner spell top due to the lane being heavily decided by lane management and is key for baron control later on in the game.

Yasuo’s Runes






Yasuo’s Items

Starting Items

Core Items

Full Items

  • Yasuo Item Build (Mid, Top, ADC)
  • Best Item Build VS AP Champions
  • Best Item Build VS Tank Champions

Yasuo’s Ability order

Skill order: Q -> E -> W


Yasuo’s Combo

-> E > Q1 -> W > E > Q2 > E > Q3 > Flash > R

  • E to get near the wall.
  • Use W for vision, then use the jungle minions to extend your E and Q range.
  • Prep your Q3 and reposition to E-Q through the wall with a new minion, Flashing during the travel time to Beyblade an unexpected target.

Video combo:

Threats and Synergies




Early Game:

  • Yasuo can be played as a massive lane bully
  • Yasuo isn’t really the best roamer compared to most midlaners due to his lack of cc and lack of mobility without minions -> You just focus on lane and play for turret plating and solo killing your lane.
  • Get priority and get good Control Ward down to control scuttle and you will have a huge edge in the early game.

Mid game: 

  • About 12-15 minutes, when the first couple towers go down. You need to pick up as much gold as possible for yasuo.
  • Expanding on the lead and getting even further ahead with the lead you build in the early laning phase.
  • Get in a sidelane and push to enemy tier 2 tower -> get control wards and clear their vision in the enemy jungle.

Late game:

  • Choke out even deeper vision if you are ahead and force a teamfight to get baron nashor and close out the game.

I hope you enjoy reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writing it. And Sorry if you not understand because i not good Engish.

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