Fizz S12 Build Guides : Runes, Items and Combo

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Fizz is champion Mage/Assassin in League of Legends with ability to snowball and carry games.

I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Fizz S12 in League of Legends.

Fizz’s Ability

Passive: Nimble Fighter

Fizz can move through units and takes a flat amount of reduced damage from all sources

Q – Urchin Strike

Fizz dashes through his target, dealing magic damage and applying on hit effects.

W – Seatone Trident

Fizz’s attacks bleed his enemies, dealing magic damage over several seconds. Fizz can empower his next attack to deal bonus damage and empower his further attacks for a short time.

E – Playful/Trickster

Fizz hops into the air, landing gracefully upon his spear and becoming untargetable. From this position, Fizz can either slam the ground or choose to jump again before smashing back down

R – Chum The Waters

Fizz tosses a fish in a direction that attaches to any champion that touches it, slowing the target. After a short delay, a shark erupts from the ground, knocking up the target and knocking any nearby enemies aside. All enemies hit are dealt magic damage and slowed.

+ You have a disgusting snowball potential.– Your laning phase is one of the worst in the game
+ If played right, you can carry games.– Fizz’s E isn’t as free as it may look. 
+ His kit is simple and fairly easy to learn.

Fizz Build Guides Mid

Summoner Spells

Flash + Ignite




  • Electrocute is the rune that provides the most dmg which an assassin needs and it is the safe pick for Fizz.
  • Sudden Impact : That extra magic penetration when you exit camouflage is just perfect.
  • Eyeball Collection: more AP with kills.
  • Relentless Hunter given how much healing he gets from it since Urchin Strike, Seastone Trident and Lich Bane proc are all single-target and do a ton of damage.
  • Triumph is invaluable for a champion like Fizz who wants to be in the thick of things, and will save your neck more times than you can count.
  • Coup de Grace is the best rune in the tree for an assassin, making it your next obvious choice.


  • Starting Items


  • Boots
  • Core Items


  • Full Items

Ability order

Skill order: E > W > Q


Combo Fizz

Combo: R + E + Auto + W + Q

Video Combo:

Video Guide




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