Irelia S12 Build Guides : Runes, Items and Combo Top/Mid


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Irelia is champion Fighter in League of Legends quite strong in the early game , mid game and late game. With Irelia you can safely split push and often 1v1 anyone if played correctly.

I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Irelia S12 in League of Legends.

Irelia’s Ability

Passive: Ionian Fervor

When Irelia strikes enemies with spells she gains stacking bonus Attack Speed. At maximum stacks she also gains bonus damage on hit.

Q – Bladesurge

Irelia dashes forward to strike her target, healing herself. If the target is Marked or dies to Bladesurge, its cooldown refreshes.

W – Defiant Dance

Irelia charges a strike that deals more damage as she charges. She takes reduced physical damage during the charge.

E – Flawless Duet

Irelia sends out two blades which converge on each other. Enemies caught in between are damaged, stunned and Marked.

R – Vanguard’s Edge

Irelia fires a massive number of blades that explode outward upon hitting an enemy champion. Enemies hit by the blades are damaged and Marked. Afterwards the blades form a wall that will damage and slow enemies that walk through it.

+ Fits perfectly into dive comps
+ Built in sustain
+ Can safely split push
+ Can often 1v1 anyone if played correctly
+ Very easy CS with her Q reset
+ Incredibly fun to play when you are doing well!
– High Skill Floor
– Weaker late game than some meta top laners
– Easy to punish yourself by not getting a Q reset
– Susceptible to Crowd Control
– Easy way into fights, hard way out of them
– When behind it can be difficult to catch up

Irelia Build Guides Mid

Summoner Spells

Top: Flash + Teleport

Mid: Flash + Ignite




  • Conqueror remains as such a powerful rune for anyone who gets into extended fights.
  • Triumph is the standard rune for fighters like Irelia as the sustain you get from the 12% of missing health heal per takedown can make or break a teamfight.
  • Legend: Bloodline help Irelia will get a permanent 12% lifesteal from this rune by the time late game comes around, helping you to offset your weaker late game.
  • Coup de Grace is such a perfect rune for a fighter like Irelia because it allows you to finish fights strongly.


  • Starting Items
  • Boots
  • Core Items



  • Full Items



Ability order

Skill order: Q -> E -> W


Combo Irelia

Combo: E -> R -> Flash -> Q -> E -> AA -> Q -> AA -> Q -> W

Video Combo:

Video Guide


Early Game: Irelia is quite strong in the early game (0-15 minutes). But, she is quite reliant on getting her 5 stack passive and hitting her E and R.

Mid game: Mid game is usually the point from 15 minutes to 30-35 Minutes into the game. Irelia is quite strong in the mid game and can still kill squishies relatively quickly and you will be able to impact the fights greatly.

Late game: You should focus on being a front line for your team but not engaging unless your team has 0 engage.




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