Viego Build Guides S12 : Runes, Items and Combo Top, Mid & Jungle


Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Viego Season 12 in League of Legends.

Viego is Assassin who can be played Top, Mid & Jungle, strongest at late game, good CC and Strong Ult Execute.

Viego’s Ability

  • Passive – SOVEREIGN’S DOMINATION: Enemies who fall before Viego become wraiths. By attacking a wraith, Viego temporarily seizes control of the dead enemy’s body, healing for a percentage of his target’s max health and gaining access to their basic abilities and items. He replaces their Ultimate with a free cast of his own.
  • Q – BLADE OF THE RUINED KING: Viego’s spectral blade passively deals bonus percent current health damage on-hit and strikes twice vs. enemies he recently hit with an ability, stealing health. Viego can activate this abilty to thrust his zweihander forward, impaling enemies in front of him.
  • W – SPECTRAL MAW: Viego charges up before dashing forward, releasing a ball of concentrated Black Mist that stuns the first enemy hit.
  • E – HARROWED PATH: Viego commands the Black Mist to haunt and surround a piece of terrain. Viego can hide in the Mist as a wraith, gaining camouflage, movement speed, and attack speed.
  • R – HEARTBREAKER: Viego teleports to a nearby location and executes an enemy champion on arrival, piercing their heart and causing a destructive shockwave around them that knocks away their allies.

Viego’s Pros and cons

+ Fast Clear
+ NO MANA!!!!!
+ Good Duels
+ Good CC
+ Built in sustain
+ Strong Ult Execute
+ Strong Scaling Potential
+ Interesting Gameplay

– Weak in early game 1v1’s
– Need’s a few items to become really strong
– Not super mobile
– Can be kited by ranged champs
– Can be countered with anti heal
– Will be banned a lot

Viego’s Summoner Spells

Jungle: Flash + Smite

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Smite: Obvious choice when jungling.

Mid: Flash + Ignite

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Ignite: It’ll add even more kill potential to him pre-6 and post-6.

Top:  Flash + Teleport

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Teleport: is still by far the most used summoner spell top due to the lane being heavily decided by lane management and is key for baron control later on in the game.

Viego’s Runes



Viego’s Items

Starting Items

  • Jungle
  • Top/Mid


Core Items

  • Jungle/Mid
  • Top/Mid

Full Items

  • Viego Item Build (Jungle/Mid)
  • Viego Item Build (Top/Mid)

Viego’s Ability order

Skill order: Q > E > W


Viego’s Combo

  • -> Full Combo = W-AA-Q-AA-R-AA
  • -> Flash + Full Combo = W-D/F-AA-Q-AA-R-AA
  • -> Max Range Ultimate = D/F-W-R

( Viego’s combos are by no means difficult but are super important to execute them appropriately to maximize damage and effectiveness. )

Video combo:

Threats and Synergies




Early Game:

  • Early game duelling, and contesting will be semi difficult.
  • If you’re able to safely clear up until level 6, you will be incredibly strong.

Mid game: 

  • Viego will phenomenal power spike, utilize your ganking ability and your overall strength in duels to be able to get a lead for your team.

Late game:

  • Is one of the strongest in the games of Viego.
  • Try on focusing and stealing the strongest enemies champion.
  • By this time, Elder Dragon Baron Nashor should be crucial fighting points.

I hope you enjoy reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writing it. And Sorry if you not understand because i not good Engish.

Thank You for Reading – Create by: In Viet Nam