Yone Wild Rift Build Guides : Runes, Items [LoL Mobile]


What should I build on Yone Wild Rift?

Yone is new champion on WILD RIFT (LOL Mobile) who has the advantage of being able to deal both physical and magic damage.

Yone’s Pros and cons

+ High outplay potential
+ Resourceless
+ Mixed damage
+ Assassin and Skirmisher
– Weak early game
– High skill ceiling
– No reliable escape
– Soul Unbound can backfire

Yone Wild Rift: Summoner Spells

Bot: Flash +  Ignite

  • Ghost: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Ignite: It’ll add even more kill potential to him pre-6 and post-6.

Yone Wild Rift: Runes

Rune: Conqueror -> Triumph -> Hunter Titan -> Hunter – Genius

Yone Wild Rift: Items

Starting Items


Core Items

Full Items

Yone Wild Rift: Ability

  • Passive – WAY OF THE HUNTER: Yone deals magic damage with every second Attack. In addition, his critical strike chance is increased.
  • Q – MORTAL STEEL: Thrusts forward, damaging all enemies in a line. On hit, grants a stack of Gathering Storm for a few seconds. At 2 stacks, Mortal Steel dashes Yone forward with a gust of wind knocking enemies Airborne. Mortal Steel is treated as a basic attack and scales with all the same things.
  • W – SPIRIT CLEAVE: Cleaves forward, damaging all enemies in a cone. Grants a shield to Yone, the value is increased by the number of champions hit by the swipe. Spirit Cleave’s cooldown and cast time scale with attack speed.
  • E – SOUL UNBOUND: Yone’s spirit leaves his body behind, gaining movement speed. When this skill ends, Yone’s spirit is forced back to his body and he repeats a portion of the damage he dealt as a spirit.
  • R – FATE SEALED: Yone blinks behind the last champion in a line with a slash so powerful it pulls all enemies hit towards him.

Ability order Yone wild rift

Skill order: Skill 1 -> Skill 3 -> Skill 2


Combo Yone wild rift

  • Skill 3 > Ultimate > Skill 1 > Skill 2 > Skill 1 > AA > Skill 1

Threats and Synergies




Early Game:

  • At levels 1 and 2 you just want to stay far back and last hit minions with Mortal Steel.
  • If you’re playing against melee match ups you can play more aggressive and harrass with Mortal Steel whenever they walk up to farm.

Mid game: 

  • Yone starts shining because you will have the 2 core items Immortal Shieldbow and Infinity Edge giving you a massive powerspike with 100% crit.

Late game:

  • All about teamfighting and objectives like baron nashor and elder drake

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