Zed S12 Build Guides : Runes, Items and Combo Mid


Hey guys ! Today I will build Summoner Spells / Runes / Items / Ability Order and combo for Zed S12 in League of Legends.

Zed is the classic assassin champion who has a great laning phase in most matchups and extremely good at taking one champion out of the fight.

Zed’s Ability

  • Passive – Contempt for the weak: Zed’s basic attacks against low health targets deals bonus Magic Damage. This effect can only occur once every few seconds against the same enemy champion.
  • Q – Razor Shuriken: Zed and his shadows throw their shurikens. Each shuriken deals damage to every enemy hit.
  • W – Living Shadow: Zed gains energy whenever he and his shadows strike an enemy with the same ability. Energy can only be gained once per cast ability. Active: Zed’s shadow dashes forward, remaining in place for a few seconds. Reactivating Living Shadow will cause Zed to switch positions with this shadow. (Passive)
  • E – Shadow Slash: Zed and his shadows slash, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • R – Death Mark: Zed becomes untargetable and dashes to an enemy champion, marking them. After 3 seconds the mark triggers, repeating a portion of all the damage Zed dealt to the target while they were marked.

Zed’s Pros and cons

+ Insane Burst Damage
+ High Mobility
+ Can Pull Off Effective Ambushes
+ Can Exert High Pressure on the Opposing Team
+ Can Shred Targets from Afar
– High Difficulty
– Highly Vulnerable to CCs
– Easy to Counter

Zed’s Summoner Spells

  • Flash: This is the best summoner spell in the game.
  • Ignite: It’ll add even more kill potential to him pre-6 and post-6.

Zed’s Runes



  • Electrocute: gives Zed more burst, so they have great synergy.
  • Sudden Impact’s lethality boost will always be perfectly timed.
  • Eyeball Collection for the increased damage.
  • Ravenous Hunter: Death Mark does a lot of damage which in turn heals you by a lot, which can be pretty useful.
  • Triumph: This can be a life saver in close fights.
  • Coup de Grace: Making it the perfect rune for an assassin like Zed beacause Anyone you can possibly assassinate will be low HP at one point or another.

Zed’s Items

Starting Items

Core Items

Full Items

Zed’s Ability order

Skill order: Q -> E -> W


Zed’s Combo

  • Harass combo: W -> E -> Q
  • Basic burst: W -> R -> E -> AA -> Q
  • The Line: R -> W -> E -> AA -> Q

Threats and Synergies


You can counter Zed by picking or Fizz, Akali, Irelia, Vladimir, Diana, or by getting Stasis Enchant to avoid the explosive effect from his Death Mark (Ultimate).


I hope you enjoy reading the guide as much as I enjoyed writing it. And Sorry if you not understand because i not good Engish.

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